November 3, 2007

My bridesmaids bring all the boys to the yard

It was pretty easy to choose my bridesmaids.


I based my decisions on their looks (joking, yeesh), personalities, proximity to the wedding location, and willingness to do my bidding. (muahahahahahaha) Family was an obvious first pick -that took care of three bridesmaids. Then came my dear friend (who was terrified when I emailed her a web guide for bridesmaids the day after I got engaged...hehehe ...oops), whom I chose not only as a fantastic friend, but a BM who would be the calm, patient one when I invariably lose it on my wedding morning...:) And then I had to pick my maid of honour.

I had two options:

My beautiful, beautiful best friend of ten years?
(picture from when she went away to work in an AIDS orphanage in Africa)

Or my oldest and bestest friend, my younger sister?

(picture from when we went to Disneyland and dumped sparkles all over ourselves just BECAUSE)

and the winner was... my sister!

Although at 14 I had sworn that she would be my maid of honour, my best friend was happy to step down a rung to bridesmaid so that I could have my middle sister as my girl-Friday, my shoulder to cry on, my hit man to straighten out vendors, to straighten out my train, my veil, my perspective... I couldn't have chosen a better maid of honour- she's almost more excited than I am!

So, may I now present

The Bridesmaid Bunch!

(click to enlarge)

Top row, L2R: my youngest sister, Mr. Shortcake's sister, Mr. Shortcake's cousin (junior bridesmaid)

Middle row, L2R: my best friend, me (the bride), my other sister (maid of honour)

Bottom row, L2R: Mr. Shortcake's cousin (junior bridesmaid), Harvey*, friend of Miss Shortcake

* Harvey is my "brides-dog." He was my graduation/engagement present when we moved out to Winnipeg (to replace my family and friends back in Vancouver. We gave him the option of being a grooms-dog, or a brides-dog, and he chose me! (and I didn't even have a treat in my hand, like some CHEATERS:)

Mr. Shortcake had little difficulty choosing his "motley crue" - his grooms-team consists of fraternity brothers, elementary school friends, and family. If anything, it's these guys who will make our reception a "part-ayy"!

The Groomsmen Bunch:

Top row, L2R: fraternity brother (in costume, sweetest, laid-back guy ever, next to Mr. shortcake), Buddy (grooms-dog, my family dog), old friend/rapper/crazy person

Middle row: Mr. Shortcake (as the toothfairy - and that is NOT his normal hair! haha)

Bottom row, L2R: cousin, fraternity brother, elementary school friend

We're so blessed to have such good friends, and such a genetically blessed wedding party. lol. We couldn't ask for a crazier, more outgoing, more supportive group of people/animals! My only regret, if any, is that I didn't wait before asking my bridesmaids. I love making crafts so much, and I had a million different ideas for asking them, but in the excitement of the engagement day, I phoned everyone right away, and asked them right then and there. Oh well, I guess I'll have to make it up with presents!

How did you ask your attendants?

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