November 7, 2007

The Shortcakes - A Story for Bedtime/Procrastination

 This is the story of a young boy.

This also the story of a young girl.



This is a story of how two very similar, dissimilar people grew up, met up, and decided to grow old - together.

Mr. Shortcake was born a very big baby on the "hottest day of a very hot year," as his mother recalls. Miss Shortcake, disliking the heat, decided to wait another four months before arriving herself -on the coldest day of that very hot year.


Mr. Shortcake spent his childhood outdoors, playing sports, captaining teams, and winning games.

Miss Shortcake spent her childhood indoors, reading books, drawing pictures, and writing scripts full of dramatic intrigue for her two hundred Barbies.

And so the years and grades passed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

When they reached that awkward age when pant legs and sleeves shrink overnight, these two continued to exist, apart, and unlike in every visible way.

Mr. Shortcake continued on with his quest to master every sport, and added the electric guitar to the list of reasons of why he was soooooo cooool.


Miss Shortcake, who had sadly skipped the "how to be cool 101" seminar, got glasses, became shy, and learned how to duck during gym class.

(Miss S. is on the far left. Sexy thang!)

And so the years and grades passed. Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

As fate, and their final exams would have it, both Mr. and Miss Shortcake ended up at the very same university at the very same time. Not only had time and location met and matched in a very coincidental way, but also this - both Mr. and Miss Shortcake rushed and were accepted to the "greek" system of their school.

In his fraternity, Mr. Shortcake played sports, captained teams, and won (drinking) games.


In her sorority, Miss Shortcake baked cupcakes, (forgot to) read books, and lived a life full of drama and intrigue.


(Miss S. is also on the right)

And so the year passed. One.

At the end of that one year, they met, at a social "exchange" between their fraternity and sorority where they were informally paired up, with Mr. Shortcake as the "big brother" and Miss Shortcake as his "little sister."


One moonlit night, after walking Miss Shortcake home from her night job, Mr Shortcake came in for a visit. Once inside her cozy dorm room, they chatted about nothing and everything, and Mr. Shortcake played the guitar (much to the delight of Miss Shortcake).

And then, in a wild stroke of fate and mad destiny, he kissed her.

Two minutes later, Mr. Shortcake was outside on the pavement, and Miss Shortcake was inside, fuming.

And thinking.

And wondering.

But wondering turned into liking, and liking turned into plotting, and plotting turned into baking, and baking turned into ill-advised jogging dates together and mad shopping sprees and moments of insanity, and those moments of insanity?

They turned into love!




Mr. and Miss Shortcake : established June 22nd, 2004.


Dawn said...

The photo of the guys in the bowling shirts....the guy on the left looks like a creepy Tom Cruise lol

Shelley Belle said...

I like this story very much... :)