February 20, 2008

our cake toppers: an adventure in i-do re-do's

Everyone who knows about Ann Wood, loves Ann Wood. I am no exception (Exhibit A: giant sign on my lawn reading "I HEART A.W."), and was thrilled/intoxicated/falling-down-drunk-and-giggling-hysterically-punch-drunk in love with her cake toppers.

{image source here}

However, my mother objected to the A.W. cake topper on three counts:

1) They were dangerously nearing the cost of a whole cake
2) They didn't make any sense to her :"Birds? Who puts birds on a cake?"

and after explaining that quite a few people put birds on cakes (ie, Miss Penguin, Miss Canary, Miss Gummibear, etc) she was mollified but still insisted

3) that my crafting genes she had bestowed so lovingly in me were better employed making my own cake topper !

So, off I went, collecting fabric and bits and bobs and cutting out prototypes, when I realized that EVERYONE puts birds on wedding cakes now (exaggerating, I know) and I didn't need to copy EVERYONE, now did I?

So instead, I decided to make deer.

Clarisse and Arthur were decidedly cute, but something wasn't quite right, and I decided to put them up for sale in my Etsy shop instead. I then started on a second round; this time with felt bunnies. I got as far as sewing together the groom bunny's top hat and, again, something wasn't quite right. Ix-nay on the unnies-bay, and off they went into my box of rejected crafts.

What WAS I going to do for our cake topper? {to be continued}

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