March 8, 2008

The Shortcake Motto :"Smile, Eat Cheese, and Be Prepared'

*Shortcake stands up*

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is Miss Shortcake, and I am a plan-aholic. I obsess about any and every detail, no matter how miniscule. I make to-do lists for my to-do lists. My wedding binder is over 6 " thick and has sub-tabs for its sub-tabs. I bought a fifty-pack of crayola markers to color code my shopping list. Hello, my name is Miss Shortcake, and I am a micromanager."
Perhaps I take it too far. Perhaps I took the girl guide motto "be prepared" too much to heart.

In any case, planning our wedding has been the "perfect" outlet for my obsessive-compulsive planning disorder! Woo!

I've also found that wedding sites (coughweddingbeecough) are a wealth and a treasure trove of information for me to ponder, sort, and file alphabetically.

For example, from Ann Ruthman's blog, I learned this helpful tip (now filed under "WEDDING DAY - BODILY FUNCTIONS")


If you have a long train, sit on the potty backwards! Genius!


Now, with pen and highlighters at the ready, I ask:

What obscure (but totally useful) advice/tips did you get that helped you on your big day?


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