January 9, 2008

Going to the Chap-pel and We're Putting Down a De-pos-it

So, go figure. Not getting married in Vancouver proper wasn't the end of the world. I didn't die of disappointment, and our wedding wasn't ruined after all. Not that we've actually had it yet... (aughh! somebody go knock on wood/pet a black cat/eat a ladder, whatever you're supposed to do!)

Because our parental units had vetoed our original venue choices, we began to look at other locations closer to (their) homes.

And you know what?

Sometimes happiness lies right in your own backyard. Assuming, of course, your metaphorical backyard is the heritage village of Fort Langley.

*cue the Dixie Cups*

...because we're going to the chap-pel and we're going to get mar-ar-aried!


To people not getting mar-ar-aried, this chapel of love is also known as the Parish of St. George. It's a teeny, tiny little church that was built in 1859 by the Reverend B. Crickner, the then chaplain for the Hudson Bay Company in British Columbia. It's small, white and clapboard-y, and most importantly, has a bell to be rung. How adorable is that, now, really?

It seats a maximum of 120 people, which to us, is perfect. we can invite our family and friends, but the guest lists on either side will HAVE to be limited, and we won't be pressured to invite someone's second cousin twice-removed's ex-girlfriend's manicurist's neighbor.

It's warm and cozy, looks great by candlelight, and just *looks* like a church. Also, the stained glass work is phenomenal! Look at those colours! (they go with anything! woot! woot!)


From that point, choosing a reception venue was easy, as it had to be in nearby Langley.

So, I phoned a few places, made a few spreadsheets, made a map of the stars, shook some dice, and chose Redwoods, a golf club nearby. Unfortunately, the only date available was in October. For those of you who live in the Lower Mainland of B.C., you know all too well that October = rain. Our hope had been to get married around June 22nd (our dating anniversary), but (wedding lesson alert!) things don't always turn out how you want them.


It's not as fancy as my previous choice in Maple Ridge, Swan-e-Set - *tear* -but it's close, cute, and has a lot of potential.

For example, it has an amazing view. And rolling hills - which is great for pictures and for mingling guests.



And although it isn't the grand ballroom I had dreaming of, that marquis tent is sweet, cozy, uber romantic by candelight, and those stone floors are perfect for waltzing (or doing the Hustle, but that's a whole 'nother post)... ;)


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