July 10, 2008

Where Everyone Knows Your Name


Do you know what is better than being able to accomplish all of the items on your to-do list during your only trip home before the wedding?


Having friends help you to do so. :D


We were pleasantly surprised when Mr. Shortcake's best man informed us that our first Saturday back in B.C. would be have to be booked off and vendor-free - he was, as he called it, throwing us a "Crazy Tropical Cheeseburger Liquor Engagement Party."


(Energetic best man in question)

Mr. Shortcake and I were absolutely thrilled, as we had never had the chance to celebrate our engagement with friends before we had moved to Winnipeg.


So, on Saturday morning, we girls suited up in our best sun dresses and headed off for gorgeous Whiterock, B.C., where the BBQ was being held.

(Old family friend, Sister Shortcake/MOH, Youngest Sister Shortcake/bridesmaid, deranged-looking Miss Shortcake/bride)

After nine months of being away from our closest friends and family, it was so wonderful to see their smiling faces again. *sniff*

(Sister Shortcake, old family friend, bridesmaid)

(Most-Likely-Next-to-Be-Added-to-the-Family/ Youngest Sister Shortcake's boyfriend, Crazy Tan Youngest Sister Shortcake)

(Our videographer/old fraternity brother has a sweet, sweet, sense of style. Note the dollar store hair accessory :) )

Our best man also thoughtfully picked up a badminton/volleyball net and kit for the occasion. (Tip: If you're having an outdoors engagement party, try including games and light sports - it's a great way for strangers to become quick friends...or fast enemies ;) )


(Assorted groomsmen, our videographer, band members)


Luckily for us, it was also the only hot and non-rainy day during our entire visit!

(Groomsman and Mr. Shortcake's Sister/Bridesmaid)


We couldn't have been any happier with our engagement party. it was hot and sunny, the food was delicious and plentiful, the drinks cold and refreshing, the company ridiculously amazing.   We really enjoyed having our two sets of friends meet and bond so quickly, and every time we imagined seeing all their loving faces around us at the wedding we got little thrills of excitement.  Forgetting flowers and colour schemes, matching linens, and choreographed dances, there's nothing like being surrounded by your family and friends to remind you how much fun your wedding will be!

(Disclaimer: I totally did not drink whatever was in that bottle.)

What was your engagement party like?

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