April 16, 2008




Our first latin dance lesson, taught by a stern young woman from the Old Country, was definitely an intimidating experience for Mr. Shortcake.



" No! NO! You will put your hands like dese! No! Like DESE!"

"Why are you laughing? I do not like the laughing and the joking!"



Wonderful teacher, but Mr. Shortcake The Beginner was terrified. ("No I wasn't")





At the same time (but on different days) we were taking lindy hop lessons from a funny young man, Suneil, who has offered to give us private lessons in east coast swing and the hustle (ballroom dance, not line) throughout the summer.

By the time our wedding rolls around (do you like how I able to say that nonchalantly, as if I don't spend all day obsessing? :) ), we'll have taken over seven months of lessons. Mr. Shortcake has already improved tenfold (and has temporarily retired his signature marine moves :) ), and we can dance together, not only without stepping on each other - but really well!



By the the time our wedding rolls around (again, I marvel at my complacency), we will be at least this good, if not better. WOOT!



Anyway, long story cut short, we need help narrowing down our four first dance song choices before our private lessons start next month.








A) Open up this youtube video, then mute it.

B) Play that video in loops while listening to the different songs. Each song has the proper tempo for east coast swing, so this video is perfect for envisioning the dance - stop and start as needed to the tempo matches.

C) Choose for us!





1) Everything - Michael Bublé: Sweet song, smooth vocal stylings, and the lyrics are so romantic!

2) You're My Number One - S Club 7: In the summer of some year a long time ago, in two very different places, Mr. Shortcake and I both watched the S Club 7 show compulsively with our siblings, bobbing our heads along with the confectionery beat of this song. THIS WAS MR. SHORTCAKE'S SUGGESTION! No joke!

CONS: Would have to listen to this song, over and over, might fall into a peppy-induced coma. Might not.

3) Ain't That A Kick In The Head - Dean Martin: "My head keeps spinning, I go to bed and keep grinning, if this is just the beginning, my life is going to be bee-ooo-tiful!" Nuff said. CONS: Violent chorus.

4) It Had To Be You - Harry Conick Jr: very sweet lyrics, loved this song ever since I was in junior high!

Come on, gumshoes, we're counting on you!


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